Conferences & seminar presentations
Familistic welfare capitalism in crisis: The case of Greece, Social Policy Association Conference, Sheffield, 8-10 July 2013 (with A. Roumpakis)
[invited] PLENARY SPEAKER The Greek crisis as part of the crisis of the European Social Model, Wither Social Policy? Social Policy in Greece in times of Crisis, organised jointly by the University of Peloponnese (Masters’ Programme on European Social Policy) & the Hellenic Observatory (LSE), Friday, 17 May 2013
Market Imperative and the Social Constitution of Wellbeing, Meeting Emerging Global Policy Challenges, Joint conference oragnsied by the Social Policy Association (UK) and the Developemnt Stduies Association, University of Bath, 26-7 April 2013
The crisis of the European social model and the Greek welfare state, Living in Times of Crisis: the Case of Greece, Half day conference, IREP Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Bath, Wednesday 10 April 2013
EU economic governance, national democracies and the dying dream of Social Europe, Seminar presentation, Institute for Policy Research University of Bath, 27, February 2013
[invited] Familistic welfare capitalism in crisis: social reproduction and anti-social policy in Greece, Departmetnal seminar series, Department of Social and Social Work, University of York, 3 December 2012 (with A. Roumpakis)
[invited] PLENARY SPEAKER Anti-social policy and the politico-economic crisis in Greece Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA), 31 May 2012,Seoul, South Korea
Familistic Welfare Capitalism: Crisis of social reproduction and anti-social policy. Department of Sociology, 30-31 May 2012, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece (with A. Roumpakis)
[invited] Familistic welfare capitalism in Greece: from the crisis of social reproduction to the emergence of a political economy of generalised insecurity, London School of Economics (Hellenic Observatory) - Policy and Research Seminar Series, 22 November 2011.
Power Shifts in the European Union: Continuities, Changes and Crises in the Integration of European Market Societies - SESSION 1 - The Capitalist Mode of Power: Past, Present, Future, Second Annual Forum on Capital as Power, October 20–21, 2011, York University, Toronto,
[invited] Karl Polanyi’s Revenge: is the democratic re-embedding of the market(s) possible? London: Institute for Public Policy Research, 13 October 2011.
[invited] Immigration and the variety of migrant integration regimes in the European Union, Pan-European Conference on the Integration of Immigrants -"Good practices in the sectors of Health, Welfare & Social Security", Session: Integration and migrants' social rights, 27-28 June 2011, Athens, Greece
‘Posted workers in Europe and European integration: The ECJ rulings’, presented at the “Posted workers in Europe: policies, experiences, best practices”, Panteion University, June 2011, Athens, Greece. (with A. Roumpakis)
‘Re-embedding the labour-capital relation in the European Union: the 'meta-regulated' European social space and the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) rulings’, presented at the Fafo“Industrial Relations in Europe Conference”, September 2010, Oslo, Norway. (with A. Roumpakis)
‘Re-embedding the labout-capital relation in Europe: the ‘meta-regulated’ European social space and the ECJ rulings on the Laval and Viking cases’, paper presented at the IMPALLA-ESPAnet Conference, “The European social model in global perspective”, 6-7 March, 2009, Luxemburg. (with A. Roumpakis)
Polanyi’s revenge: Re-embedding the market(s) and the challenge for social policy after the crisis, Presented at
- Social Policy Assocation (UK) 2010 University of Lincoln, 7 July 2010
- International and comparative perspectives on social policy and economic crisis, Social Policy Association ICSP Policy Study Day, 7-8 September 2009, University of Sheffield
The Peer Review Process in the European Employment Strategy: a comprehensive analysis of operational outputs, 2008 ESPAnet Annual Conference, Helsinki, Stream (10) Work and welfare policies, innovations and cross-border influences (with R. Ballester)
Challenges for labour unions in the 'meta-regulated' European social space. In: Transformation of European political order, October 2007, Centre for European Studies, Shandong University, Jinan Province, China. (with A. Roumpakis)
Challenges for labour unions in the 'meta-regulated' European social space. in Policy and Politics Journal’s International Conference: “Reconnecting policy and Politics”, July 2006, University of Bristol (with A. Roumpakis)
Re-embedding Labour-Capital Relations in Europe: Challenges for labour unions in the 'meta-regulated' European social space. In: International Conference organised by the European Research Institute: “Markets, Governance and Society”, 21-23 June 2006, University of Bath (with A. Roumpakis)
[Invited] The Open method of Co-ordination & the Europeanisation of Welfare Reforms: Governance of the Market or the Market as Governance? Shandong University (China) conference on 'EU Institutional Dynamics', 16-18 November 2006
Bringing Society Back in: Theoretical and Empirical Challenges of the Second Great Transformation Thesis Tenth International Karl Polanyi Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, October 13-16, 2005 (with Dr Frank Longstreth)
The Recommodification of European Labour Presented at
- Tenth International Karl Polanyi Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, October 13-16, 2005
- International Sociological Association Conference, Research Committee 19, Chicago, USA September 8 - 10, 2005
- Social Policy Association Conference, Bath University, 27th - 29th June 2005
- Conference on International and Comparative Social policy: future directions for research, teaching and learning, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol (21-22 April, 2004)
[Invited] The New Governance of social security in the UK’ TOPSOS 'Social Security Expert Training' programme for senior level managers and employees of the Finnish Department of Social Security, Department of Social Policy, University of Turku, Finland (November 2004 and November 2003)
[Invited] Increasing insecurity - a comparative evaluation of unemployment compensation systems in OECD countries, Canada - EU Intensive international seminar in Comparative Public Policy, "Social Cohesion in a Globalising Era", Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada (13-23 May 2002)
Seeking basic security for the unemployed: a comparative evaluation of unemployment compensation and 'activation' policies in Greece, 1st Conference of the Hellenic Social Policy Association, "Social policy in Greece and the European Union: New challenges, trends, reform prospects", Komotini, Greece (9-13 May 2001)
[Invited] Recent changes in unemployment compensation systems in OECD countries Research contribution to the International Labour Organisation -World Bank public debate "The End of Unemployment Benefits?", ILO, Geneva, Switzerland (27 June 2000)
Globalisation and decommodification: Theoretical perspectives and empirical Evidence, 2nd International Bath Easter School 2000, "Public Policy in a Global Economy - Actors and Institutions, Processes and Outcomes", University of Bath, UK (11-20 April 2000)
[Invited] Quantitative techniques for comparative social policy research, Research Workshop on Comparative Research Methods, organised by the Economic and Social Research Council and Social Policy Association, York, UK (12-15 March 1999)
[Invited] Unemployment compensation and activation policies in Greece: an evaluation, European University Institute, Florence, Italy (16 April 1999)
De-commodification, national competitiveness & the European welfare regimes, Research Workshop on Comparative Public Policy, University of Toronto, Canada (14 May 1999)
[Invited] The technique of Micro-data simulation in the measurement of the de-commodification potential of welfare benefits Department of Social Policy, University of Turku, Finland (27 November 1999)
Looking for a Job in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Welfare Support for intra-European Migrants and their Families, Conference on Nation and Migration in Southern Europe, University of Greenwich, London, UK (18-20 December 1995)
Income Packaging and the Welfare State: Comparing the Support for the Unemployed and their Families in Twelve Member-States of the European Union, Second European Sociological Association Conference, Budapest, Hungary (30 August - 2 September 1995).(with Dr. Helen Fawcett) A modified version of the paper was presented at the Centre for European Studies, Harvard University, USA (21 March 1996)
[Invited] Family Policy in Greece: A Comparative Perspective, presented at the European Research Workshop on Families, Labour Markets and Gender Roles organised by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, Ireland (7-9 September 1994)
Support for Children: A Critical Evaluation of Arrangements in Greece, presented at the XXXIth International Sociological Association Committee on Family Research Seminar, organised by the ISA and the University of East London, London, (28-30 April 1994)
The Role of Social Research in Social Planning Conference on the Dimensions of Contemporary Social Policy, organised by Sakis Karagiorgas Foundation Editions, Athens, Greece (27-29 November 1991)
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