Academic Publications
2010 - 2013
Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A.(2013) The meta-regulation of European industrial relations : power shifts, institutional dynamics and the emergence of regulatory competition among EU Member States in International labour review. Vol. 152, no. 2
Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis A. (2103), From anti-social policy to generalised insecurity: The Greek crisis meets the decline of the European Social Model
Social Policy - The Journal of the Hellenic Social Policy Association (Κοινωνική Πολιτική - Επιστημονικό Περιοδικό Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής), No 1, available online
Papadopoulos, T.
and Roumpakis, A., (2012) The Greek welfare state in the age of austerity:
Anti-social policy and the politico-economic crisis. Social Policy Review, No
Papadopoulos, T. and Roumpakis, A., 2011. Nordic social risk management and the challenge of EU regulation : labour market parity at risk. In: Sorsa, V.-P., ed. Rethinking Social Risk in the Nordics. Brussels, Belgium: Foundation of European Progressive Studies, pp. 199-224.
BOOK: Carmel E., Cerami A. and Papadopoulos T. (eds.) (2011) ‘Migration and Welfare in the 'New' Europe. Social Protection and the Challenges of Integration’ , Bristol: Policy Press
BOOK: Carmel E., Cerami A. and Papadopoulos T. (eds.) (2011) ‘Migration and Welfare in the 'New' Europe. Social Protection and the Challenges of Integration’ , Bristol: Policy Press
Papadopoulos T. (2011) Immigration and the variety of migrant integration regimes in the European Union in Carmel E., Cerami A. and Papadopoulos T. (eds.) (2011) ‘Migration and Welfare in the 'New' Europe. Social Protection and the Challenges of Integration’ , Bristol: Policy Press
Carmel, E., Cerami, A. and Papadopoulos, T., 2011. What future for migration? In: Carmel
, E. K., Cerami, A. and Papadopoulos, T., eds. Migration and Welfare in the
'New' Europe: Social Protection and the
Challenges of Integration. Bristol:
Policy Press, pp. 245-258
2005 - 2010
Carmel E. & Papadopoulos T. (2009), Governing social security: from protection to markets in Millar J. (ed.) Understanding Social Security: Issues for Social Policy and Practice, 2nd edition, Bristol: Policy Press
Papadopoulos T. and Roumpakis A. (2009) Familistic welfare capitalism in crisis: The case of Greece (ERI Working Paper WP-09-14 - ISBN 9780861971589)
Papadopoulos T. and Roumpakis A. (2009) Re-embedding labour-capital relations in Europe: challenges for labour unions in the 'meta-regulated' European social space after the ECJ rulings. (ERI Working Paper WP-09-12 - ISBN 9780861971602)
Ramon Ballester and Theo Papadopoulos (2009) The Peer Review Process in the European Employment Strategy: a comprehensive analysis of operational outputs (ERI Working Paper WP-09-11 - ISBN 9780861971619)
Papadopoulos T. (2008), Market in Y. Gabriel (ed.) Organising Words, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Carmel E., Hamblin K. and Papadopoulos T. (2007), Governing the activation of older workers in the European Union: The construction of the "activated retiree", in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy special issue on Activation and Governance edited by Rik van Berkel and Vando Borghi, Vol. 27 No. 9/10, pp. 387-400
Papadopoulos T. (2006), Support for the Unemployed in a Familistic Welfare Regime: The case of Greece, in Mossialos E. and Petmesidou M. (eds.), Social Policy Developments in Greece, Aldershot: Ashgate
Papadopoulos T. (2005), The Recommodification of European Labour: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations, European Research Institute Working Paper 05/03
2000 -2004
Carmel E. & Papadopoulos T. (2003), The new governance of social security in Britain, in Millar J. (ed.) Understanding Social Security: Issues for Social Policy and Practice, Bristol: Policy Press
Papadopoulos T. (2002), Activazione e coordinamento, il caso Greco (Activation and co-ordination: the case of Greece), in L'Assistenza Sociale, Special Issue: La politiche di Activazione in Europa, No. 2, April-June, pp.215-29 (in Italian)
1995 - 1999
1995 - 1999
Papadopoulos T. (1999) On media, culture and the prospects for a new liberatory project: an interview with Ken Loach, in Democracy & Nature, The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, Vol.5 (1), pp. 27-32
Papadopoulos T. (1998), Greek family policy from a comparative perspective in Drew E., Emerek R. and Mahon E. (eds.), Reconciling Family and Working Life, London: Routledge
Papadopoulos T. (1997), Social insurance and the crisis of statism in Greece in Clasen J. (ed.), Social Insurance in Europe, Bristol: The Policy Press
Fawcett H. and Papadopoulos T.N. (1997), Social exclusion, social citizenship and de-commodification: an evaluation of the adequacy of support for the unemployed in the European Union in West European Politics, Vol. 20, No.3 (July), pp.1-30. Published previously as Discussion Paper No.42, Centre for European Studies, Nuffield College, University of Oxford.
Papadopoulos T.N. (1996), 'Family', state and social policies for children in Greece in Brannen J. and O' Brien M. (eds.) Children and Families: Research and Policy, London: Falmer Press, pp.171-188
1990 - 1994
1990 - 1994
Papadopoulos T.N. (1993), International conference on social security: 50 years after Beveridge, (Review article) University of York, (27-30 September 1992, York, UK) in To Vima ton Kinonikon Epistimon, (Greek Review of Social Sciences), No. 12 (in Greek)
Papadopoulos T.N. (1992), The role of social research in social planning in The Dimensions of Contemporary Social Policy, (1992) Athens: Karagiorgas Foundation Editions (in Greek)
Book review articles
Papadopoulos T.N. (1996), Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy, by Cornelius Castoriadis (1991) (book review article), Oxford: Oxford University Press in Democracy & Nature, The International Journal of Politics and Ecology, No.8
Papadopoulos T.N. (1992), Urbanization without Cities: The Rise and the Decline of Citizenship, by Murray Bookchin (1992) (book review article), Montreal: Black Rose Books in Society and Nature, The International Journal of Political Ecology (Greek ed.), Vol. 1, No. 3, 1992
Policy research papers and reports
Papadopoulos, T (2000) Integrated approaches to active welfare and employment policies: Greece, Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Research Report: ef0311
Papadopoulos T. (1999) Unemployment compensation and activation policies in Greece: an evaluation, Research Paper WS/73, European University Institute, Florence